Monday, August 19, 2013

Without A Sound.

Busy. That word right there describes how the past few weeks have been in the Miller household. Between Riley starting school and my new job {eek!!} I feel like things have been non-stop. It's good. I like being busy. It makes me appreciate the moments when things are a little slower. But it is in all of this busyness that I have to remember to always slow down for what's important. God. Family. Friends.

This morning I was reading in Psalms 19 and was so challenged by the few simple words David wrote so long ago...

"The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the Earth, and their words to all the world….May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." (verses 1-4; 14)

Without a sound or word. Have you ever met someone and known them for a while, then discover they are a Christian and it kind of takes you by surprise. Like until they opened their mouth and said "I'm a Christian" you had no idea. That is the person I DO NOT want to be. I want my life to proclaim God's glory without having to open my mouth. I hope that my life points people to Jesus by my actions, not only my words. The day that I decided to follow Jesus with my whole heart is the day that I made a promise to God that my life would be different. It's a choice that I constantly have to make, because besides Jesus, there is no good thing inside of me. And sometimes I have to fight very hard to make sure that Jesus is glorified in everything I do. And sadly, sometimes I fail. But I let this verse challenge my soul, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you…"

Keep that verse close to your heart so when things get rough you have that prayer to bring you through!

Friday, August 9, 2013


It's that day again! I looked forward to writing this post because we had an action packed week with some very special events! So here they are…my five favorite things from this past week.


This was technically last Thursday…but a certain Little Miss turned TWO! As you can tell, she was very excited!! We spent the morning at the beach, followed by naps, dinner out with family, then everyone came over for cake and presents! :) It was a fun day! 


Saturday we had Kennedy's Under the Sea party! We all had a great time! There were about 50 of our friends and family there to celebrate with us! Here is a little sneak peak of the happy day!


We were all so drained after our busy weekend, so on Sunday after church the kids and I spent the day relaxing. Of course we took time to take some funny pictures. 


Riley started school!! He was sooo excited! On Wednesday, the day before school started, we got to go check out his classroom and meet his teacher! He made himself right at home! The night before we gave him a new book! His favorite…Curious George! When he woke up the next morning he was pretty excited!  He did great going in with no tears…I did shed a few. Happy tears :) When we went to pick him up he had a great big smile on his face and said that he couldn't wait to go back! It's crazy not having him home in the morning. I miss him! but…I have to say it is nice to have some quality time with Kennedy :) She does ask for him though, it's so cute!


Yesterday we celebrated Riley going to school by having lunch at our favorite place…Jason's Deli! And kids ate free so it was even better! 

I hope you had a wonderful week as well! As always I am linking up with Lauren to bring you H54F! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two Years.

It is so hard to believe that this was two years ago. My sweet little Kennedy has brought so much joy and laughter to our family! She is the sweetest and silliest and sassiest little girl I've ever known! This past year she has changed so very much, and bittersweetly I have loved watching it! She is a gift from God, and I am so blessed to be her Mommy! Happy Birthday, my sweet girl! We love you SO much!